
Expansion and Contraction Solution Models (ECSM)

The Expansion and Contraction Solution Model fall into a class by itself, because it isn’t based on specific dimensional classifications or any of the other heretofore defined classes. Instead, it this class of solution models are responsible for regulating the rate of change in self-refining and self-emancipatory systems.

Expansion and Contraction Solution Models

Expansion and Contraction Solution Models (ECSM)

The Expansion and Contraction Solution Model fall into a class by itself, because it isn’t based on specific dimensional classifications or any of the other heretofore defined classes. Instead, it this class of solution models are responsible for regulating the rate of change in self-refining and self-emancipatory systems.

Empowering a Planetary Population and Beyond

The new Planetary Solution Model (PSM) is like putting the internet on steroids, it is designed to empower a global population into a new time of discovery and economic possibility while at the same time increasing efficiencies and paradigms in the global means and methods of production for goods and services. This is done with the idea of increasing the mean standard of living across the planet while minimizing the environmental costs, in terms of planetary carrying capacity and long-term sustainability.

Creative Destruction and Self-Refining and Self-Emancipative Systems

This said, the empowerment of the species with a new infrastructure and new tool sets, accelerates change and along with it comes the natural outcome creative destruction. To date in most places in the world, this phenomenon has been left to ad hoc systems or entirely unregulated often at increased social, and human cost. The expansion and contraction model class is designed to deal with this rate of change and provide us with an intentional capability to regulate the rates of change within the context of the larger human socio-economic and geo-political picture.


Joining the Virtual Global Nation carries with it many benefits these include becoming part of a new planetary economy, homestead property for free, gain health benefits, participate in a new form of government, vote as a citizen, and so much more.


Providing light for a New World.