BlueBook Series – dynamic Reference Set – Implementation & execution

Master-Professor TreeDonna Zuricha Introduces the BlueBook Series, the Blueprint for a better tomorrow.

Implementation and Execution

the blueBook Series - Blueprints for a Better Tomorrow

More Specific goals and objectives

States of Being, States of Existence, and the spectrum of experience

Historical Context - Human Development - timeLine

Human Development what is possible?

The Internal and External Factors & Destinations

Project Modalities & vehicles

In The context of time - History of the Project

The Synergistic Whole - public benefit organizations

Organizations in the RDIM - chart of Organizations and roles

Sector Specific, Planetary, Inter-Planetary, and Inter-Stellar

Vehicles - organizations, business, and individuals

Co-creation – Working Together To Realize Our Vision – Universal Models and Classes

The BlueBook Series, introduces and actionable set of pathways to build a Better Tomorrow. Learn more about  co-creation, and adding your strength vector to this cause.

The Universal Problem Model (UPM)

The Inter and Intra Dimensional Problem Model (IDPM)

The Interstellar problem model (ispm)

The InterPlanetary Problem Model (IPPM)

Sector and Segment Specific Problem Models (SSPM)

the blueBook Series - Problem Classification Section

The Universal Solution Model (USM)

Inter and Intra dimensional Solution Model (IDSM)

the Interstellar solution model (ISSM)

The InterPlanetary Solution Model (IPSM)

Sector and Segment Specific Solution Models (SSSM)

The BlueBook Series - Solution Classification Section

The Universal Management System (UMS)

Inter and Intra Dimensional Managment system (IDMS)

The interstellar management system (ISMS)

The InterPlanetary Management System (IPMS)

The Planetary Management System (PMS)

Sector and Segment Specific Management Systems (SSMS)

The BlueBook Series - Management Systems

the story of marlin knecht and a group of dedicated people …

Master-Professor TreeDonna Zuricha Introduces the BlueBook Series, the Blueprint for a better tomorrow.

viewpoints and perspectives

towards a post-scarcity world and a better tomorrow ...

Reaching for the depths of Consciousness unto Source ...

quick overview of the work

problem models, solution models and management systems

other solution models - from the universal to the specific ...

a grand vision, as we establish a sustainable world, and reach inward and outward, to the depths of being, source, and unto the stars …

is it a Road leading to dystopia or utopia?

Love, Peace, Happiness, and Plenitude - States of being and existence

Won't you add your full strength vector to this?

the story of marlin knecht – Life’s Work

Master-Professor TreeDonna Zuricha Introduces the BlueBook Series, the Blueprint for a better tomorrow.

Life’s work

From prayer and meditation to blueprints

From Implementation to invitation ...

From co-Creation to Realization of the Vision

Organizations, Bluebook Series, Movies, Media, Classes, and More

Learn more about each of these pieces here.

The mission and vision

Mission, Vision, and Implementation

The Distribution Curve & Heart Beat of Humanity

higher states of being and existence ...

for this reason, Governments are instituted among Men ...

Marlin Knecht – Making a Blueprint – The Bluebook series (BBS) – Dynamic Reference Set

Master-Professor TreeDonna Zuricha Introduces the BlueBook Series, the Blueprint for a better tomorrow.

Making a blueprint

single point of influence events (spoi)

Individual point of influence events (Ipoi)

Scope of the project

From Universal scope to sector and segment Specific issues

The collective knowledge, wisdom, experience, and understanding (CKWEU) of a planetary population

general approach

From Inter-Stellar to Planetary, to segment specific

Dealing with the Present while preparing for the future.

Designing, Building, Instantiating, and Executing Solutions – Towards a better tomorrow

Master-Professor TreeDonna Zuricha Introduces the BlueBook Series, the Blueprint for a better tomorrow.

Towards a better Tomorrow

Free Introduction to the BBS Book - Tomorrow's World and Beyond

Realizing The Vision of a New World

Master-Professor TreeDonna Zuricha Introduces the BlueBook Series, the Blueprint for a better tomorrow.

We Hold This Vision …

Free Book - We Hold This Vision ...

Realizing Human Potential In The Context of The Divine

We Hold This Vision …

We Hold This Vision …

The Concept of a heaven on earth and beyond ...

Bringing Wisdom to near Parity With Our Knowledge

the story of marlin knecht and a small group of dedicated people … 

Master-Professor TreeDonna Zuricha Introduces the BlueBook Series, the Blueprint for a better tomorrow.

Organizations, Media, and Writings

Organizations, Implementation & Execution

Chart of Supporting & Implementational Organizations

toward a post-scarcity world and a better tomorrow ...

a grand vision, as we establish a sustainable world, and explore the inner frontiers of consciousness and universal mind while we reach for the stars …

is it a Road leading to dystopia or utopia?

Won't you add your full strength vector to this?

This is the timeline video holder - to use cinematic video different AR, with video container for audio control, Number 1.

This is the timeline video holder - to use cinematic video different AR, with video container for audio control, Number 2.

This is the timeline video holder - to use cinematic video different AR, with video container for audio control, Number 1.

This is the timeline video holder - to use cinematic video different AR, with video container for audio control, Number 2.

This is the timeline video holder - to use cinematic video different AR, with video container for audio control, Number 3.

This is the timeline video holder - to use cinematic video different AR, with video container for audio control, Number 4.

This is the timeline video holder - to use cinematic video different AR, with video container for audio control, Number 5.

This is the timeline video holder - to use cinematic video different AR, with video container for audio control, Number 1.

This is the timeline video holder - to use cinematic video different AR, with video container for audio control, Number 2.

This is the timeline video holder - to use cinematic video different AR, with video container for audio control, Number 3.

This is the timeline video holder - to use cinematic video different AR, with video container for audio control, Number 4.

This is the timeline video holder - to use cinematic video different AR, with video container for audio control, Number 5.

This is the timeline video holder - to use cinematic video different AR, with video container for audio control, Number 6.